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The Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Rules, 1975

Previous Rule      





1[ ********* ]

1 Omitted vide Notification No.PFT-2024/CR-02/Taxation-3 dated 15-03-2024, before it was read as

"32 Permanent physical disabilities and Mental retardation for purpose of exemption

(1) Permanent, physical disabilities for the purpose of deduction under clause (c) of section 27A,‐

(i) permanent physical disability shall be regarded as a permanent physical disability if it, falls if any one of the categories specified below, namely:

(a) permanent physical disability of not less than 40 per cent in one limb, or

(b) permanent physical disability of more than 60 per cent, in two or more limbs, or

(c) permanent deafness with hearing impairment of 71 decibels and above, or

(d) permanent and total loss of voice.

(ii) blindness shall be regarded as permanent physically disability, if it is incurable and falls in any one of the categories specified below, namely:

Sr No better eye All with corrections, worse eye
(a) 6/60-4/60 or field vision 110-02. 3/60 to Nil
(b) 3/60 to 1/60 or Field vision 100. F.C. at 1 foot to Nil.
(c) F.C. at 1 foot to Nil or Field vision 100. F.C. at 1 foot to Nil or Field vision 100.
(d) Total absence of sight Total absence of sight

(2) Mental retardation for the purpose of deduction under Clause (e) of section 27A,‐

Mental retardation shall be regarded as mental retardation if intelligence quotient less than 50 on a test with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 such as the Wechsle scale."


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